File Formats
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File Format | Known Extensions | Magic Bytes | Description | Compatible Tools |
RPX / RPL | Executable: .rpx Library: .rpl |
7F 45 4C 46 |
The entire game's code, compiled to be ran by the Wii U, and system libraries | Ghidra / IDA Pro / CEMU / wiiurpxtool |
SARC | .sarc / .bfma | 53 41 52 43 |
Sharc Archive Format | Switch Toolbox |
FRES | .bfres | 46 52 45 53 |
Binary Wii U Resources Archive Format | Switch Toolbox |
FMDL | .bfmdl | 46 4D 44 4C |
Switch Toolbox Wii U Model Export Format | Switch Toolbox |
FSKL | .bfskl | 46 53 4B 4C |
Switch Toolbox Wii U Model Skeleton Export Format | Switch Toolbox |
FSKLBONE | .bfbon | 46 53 4B 4C 42 4F 4E 45 |
Switch Toolbox Wii U Model Skeleton Bone Export Format | Switch Toolbox |
FMAT | .bfmat | 46 4D 41 54 |
Switch Toolbox Wii U Model Material Export Format | Switch Toolbox |
FSHP | .bfobj | 46 53 48 50 |
Switch Toolbox Wii U Model Shape Export Format | Switch Toolbox |
FTEX | .bftex | 46 54 45 58 |
Switch Toolbox Wii U Texture Export Format | Switch Toolbox |
FTXP | .bftxp | 46 54 58 50 |
Switch Toolbox Wii U Texture Pattern Animation Export Format | Switch Toolbox |
FSKA | .bfska | 46 53 4B 41 |
Switch Toolbox Wii U Skeletal Animation Export Format | Switch Toolbox |
YAZ0 | .szs | 59 61 7A 30 |
Compression Format | Switch Toolbox |
FLAN | .bflan | 46 4C 41 4E |
Binary Wii U Layout Animation Format | Switch Toolbox |
FLYT | .bflyt | 46 4C 59 54 |
Binary Wii U Layout Format | Switch Toolbox |
BFLIM | .bflim | 46 4C 49 4D |
Binary Wii U Layout Image Format | Switch Toolbox |
GFD | Texture: .gtx Shader: .gsh |
47 66 78 32 |
GFD Texture / Shader Format | Texture: GTX Extractor |
RPRH | .dat | 52 50 52 48 |
NSMBU Replay Data | - |
RPSD | .dat | 52 50 53 44 |
NSMBU Save Data (rp_savedata.dat file) | - |
FFNT | .bffnt | 46 46 4E 54 |
Binary Wii U Font Format | Switch Toolbox |
MsgStdBn | .msbt | 4D 73 67 53 74 64 42 6E |
Text Archive Format | MSBT Editor Reloaded / Kuriimu |
MsgPrjBn | .msbp | 4D 73 67 50 72 6A 42 6E |
Additional Text Data Format | - |
FSAR | .bfsar | 46 53 41 52 |
Binary Wii U Sound Archive Format | Citric Composer |
FGRP | .bfgrp | 46 47 52 50 |
Binary Wii U Sound Archive Group Format | Citric Composer |
FSEQ | .bfseq | 46 53 45 51 |
Binary Wii U Sound Sequence Format | Citric Composer |
FWAV | .bfwav | 46 57 41 56 |
Binary Wii U Wave Audio Format | Citric Composer |
FWSD | .bfwsd | 46 57 53 44 |
Binary Wii U Wave Sound Data Format | Citric Composer |
FWAR | .bfwar | 46 57 41 52 |
Binary Wii U Wave Archive Format | Citric Composer |
FBNK | .bfbnk | 46 42 4E 4B |
Binary Wii U Instrument Bank Format | Citric Composer |
EXBIN | .exbin | 00 00 0B B8 00 00 03 E8 |
(?) | - |
ESETPARAM | .param | - |
Effect profiles that map to emitter sets in the particle effects resource | - |
PTCL | .ptcl | 53 50 42 44 |
Particle Effects Resource Format | Switch Toolbox |
SHAB | .sharcfb | 53 48 41 42 |
Binary Wii U Compiled Shaders Archive Format | Switch Toolbox (Partial) |
SHAA | .sharc | 53 48 41 41 |
Shaders Archive | Switch Toolbox (Partial) |
ENVSET | .envset | 30 2F 2F 3C |
Plaintext Format used to allocate shaders to backgrounds | Any text editor of your choice |
OPT | .opt | - |
Binary Format used to apply particle and sound effects to backgrounds | - |
PMAA | .bagldof / .baglenv / .bagllmap | 50 4D 41 41 |
Binary Resource Parameter File Format | - |
CAMERA | .camera | - |
Used to define background offsets and scroll speeds | - |
BTSND | .btsnd | - |
Wii U Boot Sound File Format | wav2btsnd / Boot Title Editor |
ARC | .arc | 78 9C |
Archive Format | Switch Toolbox |
H.264 | .h264 | - |
Common Video Compression Format used for the Wii U app boot video (Not used on CEMU) | VLC Media Player |
XML | .xml | (EF BB BF) 3C 3F 78 6D 6C |
Common Markup Text Format for game metadata | Any text editor of your choice |
TEXT | .txt | - |
Common Plaintext Format used for preload.txt | Any text editor of your choice |
TPIC | .tga | - |
Image File Format for game metadata icons | Any image editor of your choice |
BIN | .bin | - |
Multiple Generic/Unknown Binary Data Formats | - |
- File Magics are not always at the exact start of the file for some formats, they may be offset by data or headers of a parent file, such as files found inside BFRES files.