Mods/Newer Super Mario Bros. U

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Newer Super Mario Bros. U
Creators: Newer Team
Released on: Cancelled (Assets released)
N° of Worlds: 13
N° of Levels ???
Downloads: Released Assets

Newer Super Mario Bros. U, also referred to as Newer U for short, was a short-lived cancelled hack started by Newer Team.

It was planned to be a full game (13 worlds) hack using custom code and assets, serving as the official sequel to Newer Wii and Newer DS.

Trailer[edit | edit source]

Assets Release[edit | edit source]

On May 21 of 2021, despite being several years after the official cancellation of the hack, Newer Team decided to finally publicly release the few levels and assets they had made for the hack prior to it's cancellation.

All the released assets were made available through a hidden link(not on the homepage) on their website:

Contents[edit | edit source]

The following contents are included in the official asset release: