Custom Code/Reverse Engineering

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This page is dedicated to guides on reverse engineering the game, to find helpful information about the internals and to assist in creating ASM patches for low level hacks.


  • Ghidra set up with the NSMBU RPX loaded
  • At least a basic understanding of C++ or Assembly

Locating Actor Constructors

  1. Create a class from the Symbol Tree menu and name it the same as the target class name.
  2. Check the build function for your desired profile from the discord bot in the Zenith server (syntax: .profile [name]).
  3. Go to the build function address from above (Press G to load goto menu).
  4. Label the build function Class::build where Class is the name of the class you just created in the Symbol Tree.
  5. Set the param type to ActorBuildInfo* and set the label to buildInfo.
  6. Right click on the function that gets called inside the build function, and go to function signature.
  7. Label it Class::Class, set the calling convention to __thiscall (make sure to remove the extra param if it creates one here), and set param 2 to be of type ActorBuildInfo* and labelled buildInfo.