Creating Custom Backgrounds

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Revision as of 22:17, 11 November 2022 by Jhmaster2000 (talk | contribs)
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Custom backgrounds can definitely help your levels look great. This tutorial will explain the basics of exporting models.

You will need:

Switch Toolbox


Importing Models

First, you'll want to export the background model you want to use as a base. In Switch Toolbox, open the file of the background you want to base your new background off of (a list of each background and its description can be found here.). Double-click the BFRES, open the "Models" folder, and right-click the model and select export. Export as .dae.

File:Bgs Exporting.png

After you've done that, import your model into Blender. You won't be able to see it yet, so press N, click on the View tab, and set the Clip Start and End values to 1 and 100,000 respectively. The exact values will not really matter all that much, but these should be good for now.

Next, model whatever you want! Just be mindful of any model-related limitations the game may have.

File:Hello Zenith bg.png

Now we have to prepare to export. Delete any models you have not modified as .dae. (excluding the Armature TODO: See if the Armature is even necessary when exporting from Blender).

File:bgs exclude armature when exporting from blender.png

Now back in Switch Toolbox, go to the "Objects" folder in your base background. Right-click and select Import Static Object and select your .dae.

File:bgs importing in Switch Toolbox.png File:bgs objects imported into Switch Toolbox.png

Your models have now been imported! Be sure to fix the materials in Switch Toolbox, and import any textures you might need. Then save your file.

File:final bg.png