Creating a Custom Title Screen

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Requirements[edit | edit source]

[edit | edit source]

First you will need to locate the Title.szs file which contains the title screen asset. This file can be found at: ./content/Common/layout

You should now see these files:

Next, open Title.szs with Switch Toolbox and find the file located at Title.szs/lyt_root/timg/wiiMario_Title_logo_00^l.bflim

Now open the file you just found by double clicking it if you haven't already. A new menu will pop up on the side, this is the BFLIM editor.

If you haven't made your custom logo yet and want to use the original as base for it, click "File" > "Export", then select PNG as export format and save the exported PNG somewhere on your computer, open it with your preferred image editing software, make your custom logo, and once you're done, save the PNG and continue the tutorial below.

Now in the BFLIM editor, if you already have your custom logo ready as a PNG file (read above if not), click "File" > "Replace".

In the file explorer window that opens, select the PNG file of your custom logo and press Open, and finally save the archive using this button on the top left corner:

Editing the Titlescreen Level[edit | edit source]